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Latest blog

14th October 2023 at 2:40am 0

Branka van der Linden’s latest double-Whopper

Branka van der Linden shrilly cherry-picks one finding from a journal paper and tells whoppers about the Netherlands and other VAD jurisdictions.

Latest F file

9th April 2019 at 7:15am 0

'Inhumane deaths': from unsubstantiated claim to full-on polemic

An article in the journal Anasthesia purported to find “very high” rates of “failure of unconsciousness” during contemporary VAD practice. It found nothing of the sort, yet anti-VAD campaigners uncritically lauded it.

Latest facts

10th September 2020 at 11:27pm 0

Use of VAD by minors is rare - worldwide report

The use of lawful voluntary assisted dying amongst minors (under 18yo) is rare, this world-first review of actual cases, reveals.