The public conversation about assisted dying law reform has been influenced by misinformation from opponents for far too long. Often, misinformation is simply given in ignorance, but sometimes not. It is mandatory that a conversation as important as assisted dying for those suffering at the end of life is informed by accurate information and evidential and reasoned views. Arguments that deceive or attempt to shut down the conversation have no place.
Whether misinformation is Fearmongering, Filibuster, Flip-flop, Flapdoodle, Fudge, or Fiction or Faith, the F files identifies misinformation and those who are providing it.
You can help by sending records of misinformation claims to us, and asking claimants to correct the errors.
FearmongerRepresent something as considerably more sinister or dangerous than it is when judged by objective criteria. |
FilibusterArtificial and overly-lengthy process used in an attempt to stall or block a political outcome. |
Flip-flopMultiple inconsistent or opposed arguments used to justify a position. |
FlapdoodleAn argument that superficially seems intuitively attractive, true or real, but is in fact meaningless or nonsensical. |
FudgeUnscientific analysis (e.g. selective data) used to support an argument that is not supported by proper, full analysis. |
FictionA thing that is untrue, or invented or feigned by imagination with no sound or verifiable evidence. |
FaithAn argument that all others should adhere to a particular religion's values, tenets and rules. |