Posted on Thursday 12th May 2016 at 4:30pm
Wesley Smith has missed his true vocation as a comedian. He lets rip a number of gags in his latest musings.
The more anti-euthanasia campaigner Mr Wesley Smith publishes, the more I think he’s missed his true vocation as a comedian. His latest comical gig against assisted dying is a gem.
Mr Smith starts with the case of two Californian doctors found guilty of Medicare fraud: billing fake hospice care for patients who weren't terminally ill. He artfully turns the story into a series of anti-assisted-dying gags.
Who’s on first, What’s on second?
Flapdoodle |
Flip-flop |
Fudge |
Physician-assisted dying (PAD) |
Oregon |
Wesley Smith
Posted on Sunday 8th May 2016 at 9:48pm
Conservative religious blog LifeSiteNews didn't take long to publish outright lies about Dutch euthanasia after the official 2015 report was released.
Well it didn't take long. Recently I posted a fact-based report card on Dutch euthanasia practice, based on the actual data from the 2015 annual report (and all the earlier reports) of the Dutch Euthanasia Commission. Now, just a few days later, conservative religious opponents have begun publishing completely untrue statements about Dutch euthanasia practice.
Catholic blog LifeSiteNews' 'Paris correspondent' Jeanne Smits has bolted out of the misinformation blocks, assertively and categorically stating in respect of the small increase in number of euthanasia cases from 2014 to 2015, that:
Fearmonger |
Fiction |
Euthanasia |
Netherlands |
Catholic |
Rhetoric: Killing |
Rhetoric: Slippery slope |
Rhetoric: The 'vulnerable'