Posted on Wednesday 6th April 2022 at 6:35pm
The voluntary assisted dying rates of both the Netherlands and Belgium have levelled off - at different, culturally-bound values - as my analysis six years ago predicted.
Through the lens of Covid lock-downs, six years ago seems like an eternity ago, doesn't it? But it was back in 2016 that I published a major analysis of voluntary assisted dying rates and practice in the Benelux lowlands, focusing a bright spotlight on the Netherlands and Belgium.
Using authoritative and robust data, I indicated that the ongoing rise in both countries' VAD rates would level out at rates that were culturally bound. This despite persistent hyperventilations of VAD opponents that most of us would eventually be "knocked off" by not-so-voluntary euthanasia. Generally, the adoption of behaviours at the societal level tends to follow a sigmoidal (stretched S-shaped) curve, and the then VAD data was consistent with this phenomenon.
Assisted dying (AD) |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Analysis |
Posted on Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 4:03am
The other day, a TV commercial from more than 30 years ago popped into my head. In a rollicking exposé of hidden interests and purposeful agendas, I explain why.
The other day a TV commercial from more than 30 years ago popped into my head. It was a humorous slice-of-life scene in which a teenage son gobbles down a breakfast bowl of Sultana Bran cereal. He complains that his health-kick girlfriend had made him eat vegetarian the night before. His family eye each other with mirth as he eats.
The punch line? “Don’t mention it’s healthy and they’ll eat it by the boxful.”
The Kellogg's Sultana Bran TV commercial from 1990.
Despite having worked in advertising research for years, I’m sure I hadn’t thought of this ad for at least a couple of decades. So what brought this vignette suddenly to mind?
Fearmonger |
Flapdoodle |
Filibuster |
Flip-flop |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Euthanasia |
Belgium |
Catholic Church |
Posted on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 7:12pm
The Netherlands' euthanasia commission has just released its latest annual report card, showing a modest rise in cases but a steady proportion of all deaths.
The Netherlands euthanasia commission has just released its 2020 annual report.
The report shows that the number of cases rose around 9% over the 2019 year. However, the number of total deaths was also up, resulting in a continuation of relatively level rate in recent years (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The assisted dying rate in the Netherlands and Belgium
Assisted dying (AD) |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Regulation |
Posted on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 9:32pm
Belgium and Oregon have just released their 2020 reports cards covering voluntary assisted dying practice.
Belgium and the USA state of Oregon both released their annual voluntary assisted dying (VAD) reports this week. I report on the numbers.
While the Netherlands and Washington state haven't released their 2020 annual VAD report cards yet, Belgium and Oregon have.
Assisted dying (AD) |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Posted on Sunday 4th October 2020 at 4:13am
Swiss law allows assisted suicide with only one condition: assistance may be rendered for non-selfish motives. So has a significant increase in assisted deaths lead to so-called "suicide contagion"? I spill the beans.
Supposed Dutch suicide contagion from assisted dying
Recently, Dr Theo Boer, an Assistant Professor at a "black-stocking" (strongly conservative Protestant) theological college in the Netherlands, was at it again — criticising the Dutch euthanasia law to anyone who would listen: "don't follow the Dutch euthanasia law path because it leads to 'suicide contagion'".
I've exposed Prof. Boer's cherry-picked nonsense before. Astonishingly, he even ignores data from the Dutch Euthanasia Commission, despite the fact he used to serve on one of its five Regional Review Committees.
Fearmonger |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Australia |
Victoria |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Switzerland |
Theo Boer |
Margaret Somerville
Posted on Friday 21st June 2019 at 10:00pm
The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has released a grotesque and appalling video that blatantly misrepresents Belgium's non-voluntary euthanasia practices as being 'caused' by their voluntary assisted dying law. They're not.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney has released a video which blatantly misrepresents scholarly research about non-voluntary euthanasia practices in Belgium. The lead author of the peer-reviewed research has slammed the video as "cherry-picked", "scaremongering" and "appalling". His full statement about the video appears below.
Watch the 1 minute video here.
Fearmonger |
Fudge |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Non-voluntary euthanasia (NVE) |
Australia |
Belgium |
Catholic |
Claim response |
Rhetoric: Slippery slope
Posted on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 7:23pm
Anti-assisted-dying ginger group 'HOPE' continues to pedal egregious misinformation to politicians considering law reform: this time to Western Australian MPs.
The Catholic-backed anti-assisted-dying ginger group, HOPE, was represented for years by Paul Russell. He's retired and Branka van der Linden is now at the helm. But its penchant for pedaling egregious misinformation hasn't changed. Van der Linden recently sent an email to all WA members of parliament, containing three points.
Van der Linden's email reads:
Dear [MP salutation],
Did you know that the WA majority report that recommended assisted suicide for WA either dismissed or failed to report on the following statistics?
Fearmonger |
Flapdoodle |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Oregon |
Branka van der Linden |
Claim response |
Legislative reform |
Statistics |
Rhetoric: Slippery slope |
Rhetoric: The 'vulnerable'
Posted on Monday 1st April 2019 at 9:59pm
Revealed – how Dutch ethicist Theo Boer uses smoke and mirrors to suggest assisted dying is out of control in the Netherlands, and a possible explanation why.
In my most recent article in the Journal of Assisted Dying, I forensically analyse Dutch ethicist Professor Theo Boer’s 2017 paper purporting to find suicide contagion from assisted dying in the Netherlands. It doesn’t go well for Professor Boer, to put it mildly. You can find the full article here.
I also find an astonishing coincidence that occurred in 2014, the year Boer went feral against the Dutch euthanasia law.
Multiple fatal flaws
Bull |
Fearmonger |
Flapdoodle |
Flip-flop |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Euthanasia |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Article review |
Claim response |
Lobbying: Opponents |
Statistics |
Rhetoric: Suicide 'contagion'
Posted on Thursday 28th February 2019 at 6:12pm
The Belgian authorities have released a summary report of euthanasia cases for 2018, showing a tiny 1.8% increase in the number of cases from the previous year.
Belgium's Federal Commission for Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia has released a summary report of cases for the 2018 calendar year. Numbers have stabilised, with a tiny 1.8% increase on the figures for the previous year. All cases were found to have met the essential conditions of the Euthanasia Act. Below is an English translation of the report.
Belgium Euthanasia - Figures for the year 2018
By Jan Eyckmans
Posted on 28/02/2019
These figures relate to the registration documents for euthanasia carried out between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 examined by the Commission. A more detailed analysis of euthanasia reported in 2018 will be made in the next biennial report of the Commission (gathering data for 2018 and 2019).
Assisted dying (AD) |
Belgium |
Regulation |
Posted on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 7:40am
In today’s Sydney Morning Herald, Margaret Somerville plugs her latest co-authored paper appearing in a medical journal. Trouble is, the article’s appalling rubbish containing egregious misinformation. The authors deserve ridicule and censure for it.
If there’s one thing you have to admire about Margo Somerville, Catholic Professor of Bioethics at the University of Notre Dame Australia, it’s her persistence in the face of being called out for misrepresenting facts about assisted dying. She’s at it again.
Today in the Sydney Morning Herald, Somerville was quoted spruiking her credentials via a recent publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of Palliative Care.1 Since I study the professional literature, I’m aware of said article, which was published several weeks ago. It's a shocker.
Fudge |
Fiction |
Non-voluntary euthanasia (NVE) |
Voluntary euthanasia (VE) |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Margaret Somerville |
Analysis |
Posted on Sunday 22nd July 2018 at 12:14am
The Belgium Federal Commission of Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia has released its 2016-2017 biennial report
Belgium's Federal Commission of Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia this week published its full 2016–2017 biennial report. The report is published only in French and Dutch, which places English-speaking jurisdictions at something of a disadvantage.
DyingForChoice has translated the entire report, as well as a copy of the Belgian Euthanasia Act (2002) as it currently stands with amenedments, so that English-speaking audiences can read and understand it.
A summary of key points, the full report in English, and a full copy of the Euthanasia Act, can be found in this Fact File.
Euthanasia |
Belgium |
Analysis |
Regulation |
Posted on Thursday 17th September 2015 at 6:06am
Victorian Parliament Committee finds Australian Christian Lobby's evidence this week "quite surprising" and "quite contrary" to evidence already received.
On 16th September 2015, the Victorian Director of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), Dan Flynn, appeared as a witness to the Victorian Parliament’s end of life choices inquiry being conducted by the Legal and Social Issues Committee. He made a number of mistaken statements, but what was most worrisome was the revelation of the ACL’s real agenda: to wind back patient rights more than a quarter century.
Fearmonger |
Flip-flop |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Physician-assisted dying (PAD) |
Refusal of medical treatment (ROMT) |
Voluntary euthanasia (VE) |
Voluntary refusal of food and fluids (VRFF) |
Withholding/withdrawal of medical treatment (WOMT) |
Australia |
Victoria |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Australian Medical Association (AMA) |
Christian |
Legislative reform |
Lobbying: Opponents |
Rhetoric: Slippery slope |
Rhetoric: Suicide